Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to China

I experienced few travel woes on my trip back to China. I did, however, give a little boy such a dirty look his mother switched seats so he was no longer sitting by me! I honestly didn’t mean to, I swear. I began my travel on 1 hour worth of sleep so once I got on the plane from Vancouver to Shanghai I was pretty tired. I crashed in my seat and was awoken 3 times by the little boy either accidently hitting me with his pillow, jumping on his seat, or loudly clapping (for no apparent reason). In my sleep-induced state, I apparently gave the boy looks that made his mother fear for his safety. My baddie.

My room is much smaller than the one I had last year but also cleaner. The cockroaches, however, are braver and I can still feel one crawling on me. My first purchase, needless to say, was a large can of Raid. Ahhh….China.